Robin M. Giblin-Davis

Rev. 12/01/2020




Dr. Robin M. Giblin-Davis studied nematology and entomology at the University of California, Davis where he was the first doctoral student of Harry Kaya.  After receiving his Ph.D. in 1982 and a postdoctoral position with Edward Platzer at UC, Riverside, he joined the University of Florida’s Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center where he has been a full professor since 1995.


His research interests include insect-nematode associations, nematode phylogeny and biodiversity, and tropical turf and ornamental nematology. His dissertation research set the stage for a lifelong interest in the interactions between insects and nematodes. He received the SON Best Student Paper Award for his study on the life cycle of nematodes with dauer stages that inhabit the reproductive tract of soil-dwelling bees.

Subsequently, Robin described the coevolutionary relationships of a gall fly (Fergusobia) and nematode (Fergusonina), and explored their use for biological control of the invasive weed, Melaleuca quinquenervia.

He has discovered and described several new species of nematodes of the genera (Schistonchus and Parasitodiplogaster) associated with tropical fig wasps in Florida and elsewhere. His work on the red ring disease of palms caused by Bursaphelenchus and its weevil vector led to the elucidation and field-testing of aggregation pheromones and host-plant volatiles that effectively reduce weevil palm pests in South Florida and the Caribbean Basin.

Dr. Giblin-Davis has been an innovator in approaches to management of sting nematodes (Belonolaimus) in turf. He showed that root architecture of St. Augustine grasses is basis for their resistance

He is developing a morphological and molecular database of nematodes of Florida and the Caribbean, and collaborating on a molecular-based species inventory of nematodes that represent a gradient from temperate to tropical regions.

He has served the Society of Nematologists on numerous committees, as meeting host, and as president in 2003-04.

In 2008, Dr. Robin M. Giblin-Davis was named Fellow of the Society of Nematologists.

Source:  Nematology Newsletter 56(3)


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