Cp class (colonizer-persister) |
Characteristics |
1 |
Short generation time; large percentage of body occupied by gonad; small
eggs; rapid growth under enriched condition; form dauer larvae in
impoverished conditions; mainly bacterivores |
2 |
Short generation time; relatively high reproduction rates (but slower
than cp-1); slower response to environmental enrichment; do not form
dauerlarvae; occur in a wide range of environments; tolerant of
pollutants and disturbance; mainly bacterial and fungus feeders and a
few predators |
3 |
Longer generation time that cp2 and greater sensitivity to disturbance;
bacterial and fungus feeders and some predators |
4 |
Small dorylaims and large non-dorylaims with a low ratio of gonads to
body volume. Long generation time, permeable cuticle. The carnivores
actively seek prey, the non-carnivores are less active. Includes large
carnivores, smaller omnivores and some bacterial feeders |
5 |
Large dorylaimid nematodes with long life spans, low reproduction rates,
low metabolic activity; gonads small in relation to body volume; low
number of large eggs; very sensitive to pollutants and other
disturbances. Large omnivores and predators |
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2001. A framework for soil food
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Ferris, H. and Bongers, T. 2009.
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5 in: "Nematodes as
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2014. NINJA: An automated calculation system for nematode-based
biological monitoring. European Journal of Soil Biology 61:90-93.