Putative Feeding and Feeding Groups
Feeding Group |
Putative Feeding |
1 |
Plant feeding: Plant feeders: extract cell contents of vascular plants
and algae by means of a stomatostyle or odontostyle |
2 |
Hyphal feeding: fungus feeders: extract cell contents of fungal hyphae
by means of a stomatostyle or odontostyle |
3 |
Bacterial feeding: Bacteria feeders: feed on procaryotes by ingestion
though stomas of various dimeters that may regulate the size of the
cells ingested. |
4 |
Substrate ingestion: May be incidental to bacterial- feeding, eukaryote
feeding or ingestion during predation. Non-selective deposit feeding of
freshwater and marine inhabitants fits into this category but may not be
designated in the tables. |
5 |
Animal predation: may be subdivided into Ingesters that ingest
invertebrates such as protozoa, nematodes, enchtraeids, zooplankton so
that the intestine may include identifiable remains of the prey,, and
Piercers that suck body contents of the prey through a narrow stylet so
that the intestine never contains intact remains of prey. |
6 |
Unicellular Eucaryote feeding: Ingestion of diatoms, algae, fungal
spores, yeast cells. May be applicable to many freshwater and marine
taxa. |
7 |
Dispersal of Infective Stages of Animal parasites. May include alternate
or secondary hosts, as opposed to definitive hosts, of animal parasites,
entomopathogenic species |
8 |
Omnivorous: Difficult to define: may include dorylains that are
considered generalist predators and may indicate use of a broad range of
resources in Feeding Group categories 1-6. |
Ferris, H.,
T. Bongers, and R. G. M. de Goede.
2001. A framework for soil food
web diagnostics: extension of the nematode faunal analysis concept.
Applied Soil Ecology 18:13-29.
Yeates, G.W., Bongers, T., De Goede, R.G.M., Freckman, D.W., Georgieva, S.S.,
1993. Feeding habits in soil nematode families and genera — an outline for soil
ecologists. J. Nematol. 25:315–331.