Here is the list of people in the Wageningen photograph (to the best of my recollection). 

If you can fill in the gaps or offer corrections, please email me at

From Left to Right in photograph:

Van Bezoijen (Netherlands- instructor)

Ngundo (Kenya)


Upadhyaya (India)

Kort (Netherlands- instructor)

??? (Department Secretary)

s'Jacob (Netherlands- instructor)

Jairajpuri (India)

Hijink (Netherlands- instructor)

Loof  (Netherlands- instructor)

Stemerding  (Netherlands- instructor)

?? (?Peru)

?? (adminstrator I think)

Sharma (Brazil)

Van Berkum (Course Co-ordinator)

Lakshmi Unny (Nigeria)

El Miligi (Egypt)

Oostenbrink (Netherlands- instructor)

?Van der Laan? (department head I think)

Mathur (India)



?? (India)


Not in photograph:

?? (Tanzania)

Cho (Malawi)

Seinhorst (Netherlands- instructor)


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