Rev 03/19/2024
Management of plant-parasitic nematodes has relied almost exclusively on the use of nematicides over the past 50 years. However, these approaches are less available following development of information on the persistence and movement of toxics in the soil and the potential for groundwater pollution. This presents enormous opportunities and challenges.
Many nematode management tactics are available; they must be assembled into strategies appropriate for specific cropping systems and geographic regions. The selection and rotation of crops, use of resistant cultivars, application of cultural practices appropriate to a region and cropping system, and the enhancement of natural antagonists and beneficial organisms present a wide range of options.
There is growing awareness of the importance of microbial-feeding soil nematodes in sustainable, low-input and natural systems. How should their activity be augmented and conserved while that of plant-parasitic species is reduced?
Design, develop, explain and justify to extension personnel your multi-point strategy for the management of prevailing and potential nematode problems in a cropping system and geographic region of your choice. Your plan must have a sound basis in biology and ecology, be applicable to the existing or potential cropping systems and cultural practices for the area, and be economically and environmentally justifiable.
Dear Becky:
I wish to address my suggestions for the management of the plant-parasitic and/or microbivorous nematode(s) __________________ in the ________________ cropping system which is prevalent in the __________________ region.
With my very best wishes for success, I remain yours in the enduring nematological endeavor,
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