- Cuticle finely striated.
- Lip region truncated or offset,
- Inner labial sensilla papilliform.
- Outer labial and cephalic sensilla usually papilliform.
- Amphids with slit-like or oval aperture, stirrup-shaped fovea.
- Stoma tuibular or conoid with a single tooth.
- Pharynx anteriorly cylindrical with a distinct basal bulb that
lacks valves.
- Didelphic, amphidelphic or mondelphic prodelphic.
- Ovaries reflexed or outstretched.
- Monorchic, testis outstretched.
- Spicules paired, symmetrical.
- Caudal glands and spinneret present or absent.
Ref: Holovachov, 2019.
Holovachov, O., Bsotrom, S., Nadler, S.A., De Ley, P. 2009.
Systematics and phylogenetic position of the genus Tricirronema
Siddiqi, 1993 (Cephalobomorpha). J. Nematode Morphol. Syst., 12: