Rev 02/10/2025
Bunonema Jagerskold, 1905
Photo by Tianna Dupont.
Often found in decomposing litter at the soil surface.
Many nematode species of the Bunonematoidea appear to have phoretic relationships with insects, particularly insects in the order Coleoptera and family Scarabaeidae. The type of phoresy may be interpreted from the insect body parts invaded by the nematodes and the elaborate cuticular ornamentations and extracuticular deposits of the nematodes that apparently aid their survival in the stressful environments of the insect body (Nazir et al., 2019).
Jagerskiold, L. 1905. Ein eigent�mlicher neue Landnematode aus dem Schwarzwald, von Kerguelen und Possession Island (Crozet Inseln). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 1905
Tirjakova, E. 2000. V�skyt druhu Bunonema richtersi Jagerskiold, 1905 (Nematoda, Bunonematidae) na niektor�sch lokalit�ch Mal�ch Karp�t. Folia faunistica Slovaca 5: 55-59