- Small nematode, with an asymmeuical body ornamented by
longitudinal, transversely striate, fin-like structures running
along most of the body.
- Slightly posterior to the head and on the right side there is
a large rounded ridge which narrows posteriorly then divides to
two parallel arms that continue along the rest of the body then
join again anterior to the anus to form a single elongated ridge.
- Subdorsal and subventral ridges .
- In between the dorsal and ventral ridge and one of the
longitudinal dorsal fins the cuticle is slightiy sculptured:
- Left side of the body is characterized by 5 longitudinal lines
near the dorsal and ventral ridges and 3 lines (2 ridges) mid-left
- Head, 5 pm wide and 3 prm high, clearly offset bv a
thin, constricted annulus
- Stoma cviindrical, 18 um long and 2 um wide . Cheilostom
slightly cuticularized, promesostome tubular and without
esophageal collar, metastome clearly marked by four spots at its
- Eesophagus 98 um long with proximallv swollen corpus. long
isthmus and a well developed basal bulb with distinct valvular
- Nervc ring encircles isthmus at 62 um from anterior end.
- Excretorv pore and hemizonid not seen.
- Female reproductivc systern didelphic, amphidelphic with
reflexed ovaries.
- Tail conical, uniformly tapering, 49 um long and about half
the vulva anus distance (99 um long), with a filiform ending
(See original description for greater detail of cuticular markings
and head structures)
- Testis ventral to intcstine and partlv refllexed.
- Two copulatory glands along vas deferens.
- Spicules 38-44 um long, slender .
- Gubernaculum 13-14 um long, trough-like with a sharp
extension to thc right side at the cloaca.
- Bursa formed on the right side by the subventral ridge that
makes a sharp turn to the right side in the spicular region; bursa
on the lef�t side slightlv better developed, both bursal wings join
ncar the tail tip.
- Two pairs of papillae anterior to cloaca.
Ref: Zeidan and Geraert (1989)