- Monodelphic, prodelphic, gobad outstretched and situated entirely to
the right of the midgut.
- Vulva at about 65% of body length
- No postvulvar sac.
Thalassomonhystera ocycephalata male
A= entire body; B= anterior body; C= posterior body
Bars A= 100 um; B,C =10 um
From Tchesunov and Miljutina, 2005
- Monorchic, testis outstretched and situated entirely to the right of
the midgut.
- Spermatocytes relatively large and arranged in one row in the
anterior part of the gonad.
- Spicules short, arcuate, distally pointed and proximally
ending with slightly differentiated knobs.
- Gubernaculum with a dorso-caudal apophysis.
- No supplements.
RefL Tchesunov amd Miljutina, 2005
Deep sea nematodes. Described from samples of silt at 5569 meters
depth in the Molloy Deep of the Arctic Ocean between Greenland and the
Svalbard archipelgo.
Probably sexually reproducing.