Sacrimarinema tatushae 1, head of male; 2, head of female; 3,
esophagus male; 4, tail of male; 5, spicules and gubemaculum; 6,
vagina; 7, tail of female; 8, supplement (ventral view); 9, expanded
supplement; 10, contracted supplement.
Scales:1,2,5,6 - 20um; 3,4,7 - 30 um; 8,9,10 -12 um.
Drawings from Shoshin, 2001 |
- Diorchic, anterior testis on left side and posterior testis on right
side of intestine;
- Supplementary organs 6-7.
- Spicules similar, 2.3-3.0 cbd long, ventrally bent, with
slightly offset capitulum.
- Gubernaculum 30-33 .um long, with a small caudal extension.
- Tail· elongate-conoid, i85 um long. No terminal setae