Rev: 01/21/2025
Type species of the genus: Metalinhomoeus typicus de Man, 1907
Deltanema Keis, 1929
Eumorpholaimus (Schulz, 1932), Tchesunov & Miljutin, 2006
Male of Metalinhomoeus ramsarensis: a: head region, b: spicule and gubernaculum; c: tail.
From Chen and Long, 2015
Ref: Chen and Long, 2015
Free-living marine nematodes.
Chen, C-A., Long, S.M. 2015. A new marine nematodes species, Metalinhomoeus ramsarensis (Linhomoeidae Filipjev, 1922) from Kuching Wetland National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology 5.
De Man, J.G. 1907. Sur quelques especes nouvelles au peuconnues de Nematodes libres vivant surles cotes de la Zelande. Tijd. Nederland.Dierkund. Vereeniging 10:227-244.