Rev: 01/21/2025
Enoplus Dujardin, 1845
Type species of the genus: Enoplus elongatus Dujardin, 1845
Ref: Smol et al., 2014
Free-living marine nematodes. Various ocean habitats, including intertidal seaweeds (Zhang and Zhou, 2012).
Smol, N., Muthumbi, A., Sharma, J. 2014. Order Enoplida, 7.3. In Schmidt-Rhaesa, A. (ed) Handbook of Zoology. De Gruyter, Berlin.
Zhang, Z. and Zhou, H. 2012. Enoplus taipingensis, a new species of marine nematode from the rocky intertidal seaweeds in the Taiping Bay, Qingdao. Acta Oceanol. Sinica 31:102-108
Copyright © 1999 by Howard Ferris. Revised: January 21, 2025.