Procamallanus elatensis female. A:
Ventral view of anterior, buccal capsule and eesophagus; B: & C:
Cephalic region with buccal capsule, nerverting, basal ring and stoma;
D: Ventral view of posterior; E and G: Ventrolateral view of posterior,
rectum and anus; F: Ventral view of posterior, rectum, phasmidand
anus. Abbreviations; An, anus; BC, buccal capsule; BR, basal ring; Ca,
caudal alae; Cl; cloaca; GO, glandular oesophagus; In, intestine; MO,
muscular esophagus; Mo, stoma; NR, nerve ring; Ph, phasmid; Pr,
proctodeum; Re, rectum; Ta, tail. (adapted from Khalifa et al., 2019).