Elaphonema mirabile. From Heyns, 1962
- Small nematodes, 0.3 to 0.7 mm
- Cuticle with coarse striations, 2-2.5 mu wide and fine
longitudinal lines
- Labial region bilaterally symmetrical and directed ventrally.
Bordered by lateral fin-like structures.
- Lips large, leaf-like, widely separated
- Three labial probolae, not extending beyond lips
- Slit-like amphid apertures.
- Stoma short or long, consisting os a series of elements.
- Esophagus with corpus, isthmus and posterior bulb and distinct
- Female monodelphic prodelphic; ovary reflexed beyond.
- Vulva a tyransverse slit.
- Anterior lip of anus extende over as a flap.
- Male with cephaloboid spicules; no bursa.
- Both sexes about equally abundant.
- Tail short vulva.
Ref: Heyns, 1962; Andrassy, 2005