Family Nygolaimoidea
Thorne, 1935
- Nematodes of the superfamily are usually > 1 mm long.
- Cuticle smooth or with fine transverse striations.
- Lip region in general scarcely differentiated, with amalgamated lips.
- Stoma armed with a mural tooth on sub-ventral wall of pharynx.
- Anterior slender portion of the esophagus transitioning gradually into
the basal expanded portion, which occupies usually about half of total
esophagus length.
- Esophago-intestinal junction with three large
cardiac cells.
- Female genital system didelphic, rarely mono–opisthodelphic, with the
genital tract poorly developed.
- Vagina usually without sclerotized pars refringens vaginae.
- Vulva transverse, rarely longitudinal.
- Males with two testes, well-developed spicules, lateral guiding pieces,
with or without gubernaculum and few ventromedian supplements.
- Tail variable in shape and size, similar in sexes.
Ref Pena-Santiago (2006).
Dorylaimid esophagi: some general chracteristics
Pena-Santiago, R. 2006. Dorylaimida Part 1. Superfamilies
Belondiroidea, Nygolaimoidea and Tylencholaimoidea. Pp 326-391 in
E. Abebe, István Andrássy, W. Traunspurger (eds) Freshwater
Nematodes: Ecology and Taxonomy. CABI Publishing.
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