Rev 01/01/20



  1. Assessment of the situation
    1. Sampling to determine presence, absence and abundance of key species
    2. Determining host status of intended or current crops
    3. Population levels in relation to economic thresholds


  1. Avoidance of the Nematode Problem
    1. Selection of biogeographic area
    2. Selection of planting site
    3. Selection of planting date
    4. Selection of planting stock


  1. Exclusion of Problem Nematodes
    1. Inspection, certification, quarantine
    2. Treatment of infected plant material
    3. Restriction of spread – people, equipment, animals, water, wind
    4. Grower and public education


  1. Eradication, Reduction or Management
    1. Cultural practices, environmental manipulation

                                                               i.      Fallowing

                                                             ii.      Flooding

                                                            iii.      Cover crops

                                                           iv.      Crop rotation

                                                             v.      Destruction of infected/infested plants, roguing

                                                           vi.      Antagonistic crops

                                                          vii.      Clean planting stock

    1. Biological control

                                                               i.      Introduction

                                                             ii.      Augmentation

                                                            iii.      Conservation

    1. Physical methods

                                                               i.      Heat

                                                             ii.      Steam

                                                            iii.      Hot water dip treatments

                                                           iv.      Electricity

    1. Chemical nematicides

                                                               i.      Fumigants

                                                             ii.      Non-fumigants

                                                            iii.      Systemics


  1. Protection of the Plant
    1. Nutrient and water management
    2. Soil profile manipulation
    3. Soil building and improvement


  1. Development and Use of Resistant Cultivars
    1. Exploration and screening sources
    2. Development of acceptable varieties or rootstocks

                                                               i.      Resistance to nematode feeding

                                                             ii.      Resistance to root penetration

                                                            iii.      Resistance to development

                                                           iv.      Resistance to population increase


  1. Therapy of Infected Plants
    1. Chemical and hot water dips
    2. Surgery – pruning and paring
    3. Systemic nematicides