Rev. 01/09/25
Chromadorida (Filipjev, 1917) Chitwood, 1933
cuticle smooth or annulated
cuticle ornamented with knobs, setae, punctations or basket-weave pattern
head with setae, 6-6-4 pattern of labial and cephalic sensillae
Amphid fovea variable, simple spiral, comma, loop or slit,
Stoma with supporting folds or rugae
esophagus cylindrical, with or without terminal bulb
females didelphic, amphidelphic. ovaries reflexed
males monorchic or diorchic
mainly marine and freshwater; a few soil forms, e.g. some species of Achromadora.
Caudal glands and spinneret present
feeding habits unknown but free-living, not parasitic.