Indices of Ecosystem Condition and Function derived by Nematode Faunal Analysis

Basics of the c-p Series and the Maturity Index Family

For calculation of maturity indices, soil nematodes are categorized into a 1-5 colonizer-persister series; range from extreme r- to extreme K-strategists. “Colonizer” nematodes at the lower end of the c-p scale are considered enrichment opportunists and therefore indicate resource availability; ‘persister’ nematodes at the high end of the scale indicate system stability, food web complexity and connectance.



 Each nematode taxon, usually at family level, is classified into one of the five c-p classes. Genera and species within a taxon have the same c-p value as their family, or genus in the case of some marine taxa. For the terrestrial and freshwater taxa, the following groups can be distinguished:

c-p1. Nematodes with a short generation time and a large proportion of the body occupied by gonads which produce many small eggs. Population growth under food-enriched conditions is explosive. The nematodes are primarily bacterial feeders with high metabolic activity. They are tolerant of pollutants and of products of organic matter decomposition. These enrichment opportunists form dauerlarvae when microbial biomass and activity decreases.

c-p2. Nematodes with a short generation time and relatively high reproduction rates, although lower than those in c-p1, consequently, they are slower to respond to environmental enrichment than c-p1 nematodes. These nematodes do not form dauerlarvae and occur in all environments, including those in which resources are abundant and those in which resources are scarce. They are very tolerant of pollutants and other disturbances. They include bacterial feeders, fungal feeders and a few predators.

c-p3. Nematodes with longer generation time than c-p2 nematodes and greater sensitivity to disturbances. They include bacterial feeders, fungal feeders and some predators.

c-p4. Small dorylaims and the large non-dorylaimids with a low ratio of gonad to body volume. These nematodes are characterized by a long generation time, permeable cuticle and high sensitivity to pollutants. The non-carnivorous nematodes in this group are relatively sessile whereas the carnivores actively seek prey. The group is composed of larger carnivores, smaller omnivores and some bacterial feeders.

c-p5. Large dorylaimid nematodes with a long life span, low reproduction rates, low metabolic activity and slow movement. The gonads are small relative to the body volume and produce a small number of large eggs. They have a permeable cuticle and are very sensitive to pollutants and other disturbances. This group is composed of the larger omnivores and predators.

As recognized early in the development of the c-p series (Bongers, 1990; Bongers et al., 1991), a c-p classification at the genus or species level would be more informative. However, early attempts to assign c-p values at the genus level (Bongers et al., 1989) proved difficult due to lack of information on the biology and sensitivity of the individual genera. Consequently, family level assignments to c-p classes were used in the formal introduction of the MI (Bongers, 1990).

Calculation and Use of the Maturity Index Family

All the indices are based on the weighted proportion of nematodes in the fauna that meet the index criteria. A generic formula for calculation of indices in the MI family is: , where XI is the index of interest, vi is the colonizer-persister (c-p) value assigned to taxon i, and ni is the number of nematodes in each of the f taxa that meet the criteria of the index.

MI: the Maturity Index is based on non-plant-feeding taxa and considered a measure of environmental disturbance; low MI values indicate a disturbed and/or enriched environment, high MI values a stable environment (Bongers, 1990). In essence, the MI is an ecological indicator of the state of succession of a system whereby disturbance and its consequent enrichment effects result in a setback of succession to an earlier state (Odum, 1985). In the case of the nematode assemblage, the successional setback is reflected in a lower MI (Bongers et al., 1997).

            The dauerlarvae of enrichment opportunists, animal parasites such as mermithids, and entomopathogenic nematodes are excluded from the calculation of MI (Bongers & Bongers, 1998) as their presence does not provide information about the present functioning of the soil food web.

PPI: the Plant-Parasite Index, is comparable to the MI but computed only for the plant-feeding nematodes with the rationale that their abundance is determined by the vigor of their host plants which, in turn, is determined by system enrichment. Consequently, under nutrient poor conditions of natural ecosystems, often associated with a high proportion of Tylenchidae (c-p2) in the nematode assemblage, the PPI is lower than under enriched agricultural conditions, the inverse of the response of the MI to enrichment (Bongers, 1990; Bongers et al., 1997). The reports that Filenchus misellus feeds on fungi (Brzeski, 1998; Okada et al., 2002; 2005) underscores the need for further study on the feeding habits of the many genera and species in this ubiquitous Tylenchidae.

PPI/MI: The PPI/MI ratio is lower under nutrient poor conditions than under nutrient rich conditions. It is a sensitive indicator of enrichment in agroecosystems (Bongers & Korthals, 1995; Bongers et al., 1997).

MI2-5: is identical to the MI but excludes the c-p1 enrichment opportunists. The index was derived during studies of the relationship between MI and copper concentration under agricultural conditions. In those studies, it was apparent that there was a strong relationship between decrease in higher c-p value nematodes and pollution-induced stress while the c-p1 nematodes responded to the presence of decomposing organic material. In some cases, the pollutant may become a resource for a component of the microbial community which, in turn, acts as a resource for the c-p1 nematodes. The MI2-5 was first discussed at the Crop Protection Symposium in Ghent (Bongers & Korthals, 1993).

ΣMI: was proposed by Yeates (1994) and is equivalent to the Total MI of Wasilewska (1994). The index is the MI for all nematodes in the system, including plant feeders, based on the assertion that the complete assemblage provides integral information with regard to disturbance and environmental condition. If a soil ecosystem receives nutrient input, opportunistic bacterial- and fungal-feeding nematodes respond rapidly to the corresponding increase in their resources. Plant parasites do not respond in the short term but may increase later as a result of higher plant vigor. Since many are c-p3 or higher, the expected decrease of MI in response to enrichment is offset by inclusion of plant parasites in ΣMI. Further, many plant feeders, such as the c-p3 Pratylenchidae, are tolerant of pollutant stress (Korthals et al., 1996a,b) which, in ΣMI, offsets the impact of pollution registered by the MI or MI2-5 Bongers, 1999; Bongers & Bongers, 1998).

ΣMI2-5: computes the MI for all nematodes in the c-p2-5 range (Neher & Campbell, 1996). The index recognizes that the higher c-p value plant-feeding species also provide information of environmental stress but bears some of the burden of the ΣMI in situations of nutrient enrichment.

Sometimes the Maturity Index has been expressed as , which has leads to miscalculations. The errors commonly arise when the proportions of all taxa present are calculated in a spreadsheet, as for the calculation of ΣMI, and then the same proportions, excluding those that are not relevant, are used to calculate incorrectly the other indices in the family. To obtain the correct index values, it is necessary to recalculate the proportions to be weighted with respect to the total number of nematodes in the sample which meet the specific criteria of each index.

Indicators of Ecosystem Function:  Enrichment Index, Structure Index,  Basal Index and Channel Index

The evolution of concepts, research and model validation associated with development of the Maturity Index Family led to a functional guild classification of nematodes as a basis for studying and comparing ecosystem processes (Bongers & Bongers, 1998; Bongers & Ferris, 1999). The functional redundancy represented in the diversity of nematode faunae creates a high probability that the absence of a guild is a reliable indicator of disturbance and that the presence of a guild is a reliable indicator of lack of perturbation or of recovery from perturbation. In the case of organic enrichment of soil, opportunistic guilds (r-strategists) respond reliably (Sánchez Moreno  et al., 2006). Considering soil nematode taxa as representatives of functional guilds generates an indicator profile that is not constrained by population distribution patterns and microenvironment effects (Ferris & Bongers, 2006).

The Enrichment Index and the Structure Index, both based on the indicator importance of functional guilds of nematodes, are descriptors of food web condition. Functional guilds are defined as a matrix of nematode feeding habits with the biological, ecological and life history characteristics embodied in the c-p classification. Thus, the Ba3 functional guild comprises c-p3 bacterivores such as those in the Teratocephalidae or Prismatolaimidae. Nematodes of all feeding habits classified as c-p2 are considered basal (b) to both enrichment and structure trajectories. Bacterial-feeding c-p1 and fungivores in c-p2 are indicators of enrichment (e) while nematodes of all feeding habits in c-p3-5 are indicators of structure (s). Functional guild indicators are weighted according to growth and metabolic rates (resource utilization) on the enrichment axis, and according to estimates of the degree of connectance, as determined  by numbers of nematodes in higher c-p classes, in food webs of increasing complexity . Greater detail on derivation of the structure and enrichment weightings (Wi) is provided in Ferris et al., 2001.

The nematode fauna is comprised of basal, enrichment and structural components (b,e,s): b=(Ba2+Fu2)*W2, where W2.= 0.8; e=(Ba1* W1)+(Fu2*W2), where W1 = 3.2 and W2.= 0.8; s=(Ban*Wn +Can*Wn+Fun*Wn+Omn*Wn) where n=3-5, W3.= 1.8, W4.= 3.2, W5.= 5.0.

The Enrichment (EI), Structure (SI), Basal (BI), and Channel (CI) indices are calculated from the weighted faunal components (Ferris et al., 2001, Berkelmans et al., 2003): EI =100*e/(e+b); SI = 100*s/(s+b); BI = 100*b/(e+s+b); CI =100 Fu2* W2/(Ba1* W1+Fu2* W2).

Similarly to the MI (Bongers & Bongers, 1998), the EI and CI are calculated excluding dauerlarvae to provide an index of the present state of the system. Rather than proliferate indices calculated with and without dauerlarvae, we consider that the ratio of dauerlarvae to active forms, as proposed by Sohlenius (1969, 1973), provides a clear metric of resource availability to functional guilds of bacterivores and fungivores. When the proportion of dauerlarvae is low, the resource supply is probably stable; when it is high, the system is probably in a state of resource-driven succession from bacterial to fungal domination of decomposition channels. However, considering the short life-span of many enrichment opportunist nematodes (Ferris et al., 1996a), frequent sampling will be necessary for using such calculations to model resource flow rates through the lower levels of the soil food web.


 Inferred condition of the soil food web and its environment based on weighted nematode faunal analysis. Quadrats refer to faunal ordination in the faunal profile (from Ferris et al., 2001).

General Diagnosis

Quadrat A

Quadrat B

Quadrat C

Quadrat D



Low to Mod.








Decomposition channels





C-to-N ratio



Mod. to High


Food Web Condition





Abundance and Biomass - the Metabolic Footprint Concept

            The indices developed from nematode faunal analysis are all based on proportions of the faunae in various functional guilds. They provide indication of the relative proportions of services and functions, but not of their magnitude. The biomass or abundance of organisms in various functional guilds must be important in determining the magnitude of services.

The metabolic footprint considers that resources assimilated by organisms are partitioned into a production component and a respiration component.

The production component is the lifetime amount of C partitioned into growth and egg production and the respiration component assesses C utilization in metabolic activity.  Nematode biomass may be calculated using the Andrássy (1956) formula W = (L*D2)/(1.6*106) where W is the fresh weight (μg) per individual, L is the nematode length (μm) and D is the greatest body diameter (μm). Nematodes, in general, have elongate cylindrical bodies tapering towards both ends with the anterior bluntly rounded and the posterior more acute. That simple shape provides conveniently for calculation of volume and biomass from available morphometric data. Andrássy calculated nematode volume as the sum of the volumes of a series of complete and truncated cones. Since the method was measurement-intensive, he sought proxies and found that, for nematodes of different sizes, a formula for volume based on body diameter and length (V = (L*D2)/1.7, where1.7 is an empirically-determined constant, provided a volume estimate within 2% of that determined by the more intensive calculation.

The formulae of de Man (1884) have been the standard morphometric descriptors for nematode taxa for over 50 years (Thorne,1961). Among the standard parameters are L, the body length, and a, the ratio of length to maximum body diameter. Thus, from information available in the taxonomic descriptions of nematode species, the formula for nematode volume is restated as V = (L3/a2)/1.7. To calculate the weight of nematodes, Andrássy (1956) determined their specific gravity as 1.082-1.086 (average 1.084) from the specific gravity of liquids in which they neither rose nor sank. From the product of specific gravity and volume, he determined the weight (W) of a nematode in terms of L and D. The formula can be rewritten to reflect available parameters as W = (L3/a2)/(1.6*106) μg.

Using these data, nematode ecophysiological parameters can be calculated at various taxonomic and functional levels of resolution.

The nematode weight data are calculated from the body lengths and widths of adult nematodes; however, but all individuals present in a sample are unlikely to be in the adult stage at the same time. If we assume that nematodes continue to assimilate resources at a rate indicated by their maximum body mass but, at some stage in their development, switch to partitioning assimilates into egg production rather than body structure, the biomass data, adjusted for life course duration, represents the rate of C utilization and the production component of the metabolic footprint..

Nematodes of different taxa complete their life courses at different rates. Opportunistic r-strategists in the cp-1 category may complete the life course in as little as 8 days (e.g. Caenorhabditis elegans) while those in the cp-5 category may have a life course of several months [9,17]. In reality, the life courses of larger nematodes in cp classes 3-5 are not well known but, based on estimated longevity and body size and fecundity rates inferred by the cp classification [16], I assume an approximately linear relationship between life course duration and cp-class. Then, to normalize the amount of C utilized in production for turnover rate, I divide through by the cp value of each nematode group to weight production (P) by the inverse of the life cycle length of the component taxa. Using the estimated dry weight of nematodes as 20% of fresh weight and the proportion of C in the body as 52% of dry weight [27,28], the weight of C is 0.1 of body fresh weight and Pt = 0.1Wt/mt where Pt, Wt and mt are, respectively, the C used in production, the body weight, and the cp class of taxon t.

The Respiration Component is based on the nematode respiration rate per individual, which decreases with body size per the power dependence of basal metabolism and body weight observed in many organisms. The relationship is described by R = cWb, where R is the respiration rate, W is the fresh weight of the individual and c and b are regression parameters, such that b is close to 0.75 for nematodes and other invertebrates [5,6,24,26]. Thus, we can calculate the expected respiration rate and the total rate of CO2 evolution for all nematodes in the system, for those taxa considered indicators of enrichment, those considered indicators of food web structure and connectance, and the taxa participating in various energy flow channels.

For each nematode species, the c values of the relationship R = cWb, where b = 0.75, increase to maxima at soil temperatures between 20 and 30°C and declines at higher temperatures [18]. For current purposes, I make the somewhat heroic assumption that all species present in the same environment are similarly adapted to ambient conditions and that the c values of the relationships between respiration rates and body weight change similarly with temperature. Consequently, the species and temperature-specific coefficient c is omitted from the respiration-body weight relationship and the aggregate respiration rate is calculated as ΣR = NtW 0.75, where Nt is the number of individuals in each of the t taxa of interest.

Since we may be more interested in resource availability and C flow through the food web than CO2 evolution, the weight of lifetime C mineralized by each taxon and, by summation, by each functional guild or the complete nematode assemblage, is derived from the molecular weights of C and 12/44 or 0.273 of the mass of CO2 evolved.

The Metabolic Footprint Calculation

The expanded equation for the metabolic footprint of nematodes (F), as an index of C-utilization of component taxa, is the sum of the production and respiration components, F = P+R, and expanded as: F = Σ(Nt(0.1(Wt/mt)+0.273(Wt 0.75)))

for each of the t taxa involved in the summation. Then, from the formula of Andrássy [1] and the L and a values each nematode species, the Wt parameter can be replaced by (L3/a2)/(1.6*106).

Metabolic Footprints of Form and Function

The metabolic footprint is an estimator of nematode contribution to various ecosystem services and functions:

The Enrichment Footprint is the metabolic footprint of those nematodes most rapidly responsive to resource enrichment;

The Structure Footprint is the metabolic footprint of higher trophic levels which may have a regulatory function in the food web and which are indicative of the abundance of organisms of similar functions in non-nematode taxa [16,30];

The Functional Footprint is the total area of the two functional footprints (enrichment and structure) as illustrated in Figs 1 and 2;

The Herbivore, Bacterial and Fungal Footprints are based on the nematode indicators of C and energy entering the soil food web through their respective channels;

The Aggregate Footprint is the metabolic footprint of the complete nematode assemblage, regardless of trophic role or ecosystem function.

 For graphic display of the metabolic footprint for enrichment and structure indicators, the functional characteristics of the food web condition are depicted graphically as the intersection of the EI and SI per Ferris et al. (2001). It is instructive to center the enrichment and structure components of the metabolic footprint on the intersection of the EI and SI indices. For suggestions on scaling the footrpint for graphic presentation, see Ferris (2010).


 The functional metabolic footprint is maximized when the rhomboid shape becomes a square and one might consider, as a working hypothesis, that the productivity and turnover rates of the enrichment indicators, representative of the prey, are sufficient to maintain the needs of the predators (the structure indicators) so that the system is in metabolic balance.

The characteristics of the metabolic footprints are visually comparable within each faunal analysis chart. They may not be comparable between charts, except for comparisons of the ratios of enrichment and structure components, because of differences in the units of the data from which they are derived, differences in the k scalar used, and differences in nematode extraction methods, taxonomic resolution, and other sources of variation among datasets.


            The evolution of functional indices based on nematode faunal analysis provides insights into functioning and services of ecosystems. It has been greatly advanced by inference and observation of nematode feeding habits in relation to stomal architecture and by knowledge of the life history traits of nematode functional guilds. Undoubtedly, refinement and fine-tuning of the system is warranted and will occur as further information is developed on feeding habits and life history traits and the assignment of taxa to functional guilds. There are other examples of the use of the community structure of various organism groups for environmental monitoring. The advantage of those based on nematode functional guilds derives from the abundance and ubiquity of nematodes, the relationships between form and function, the differences among families in sensitivity to environmental disturbance, and the ease with which nematodes can be separated from substrate and categorized into taxonomic groups or functional guilds.



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