Therapy for Nematode-infested Plants

Rev 06/13/22

Attempts to disinfest the plant and remove or promote repair of compromised tissues.  Primarily approaches against endoparasites and in planting stock.



A. Reduction of the initial population.
a. Chemical and hot water dips.

(i)  Bulb crops, flower bulbs, treatment of nursery stock.

(ii)  Treatments must be fine-tuned to avoid immediate or future injury to plant.

A. Reduction of the initial population.
b. Surgery 

(i) paring of banana corms prior to planting to remove infestations of Radopholus similis.

A. Reduction of the initial population.

B. Reduction of the rate of population increase.

c. Systemic nematicides 

(i) have potential in perennial crops, but  applications may need to be coordinated with physiological processes of plants so that downward translocation occurs.  For example, I speculate that trunk injection of nematicides in grape would be most effective in the fall when materials are being withdrawn from leaves for storage in roots.

(ii) technique has been tested on high value and important plants.  For example, attempts to save pine trees of social significance in Japan that are infested with the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.


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