Bioassays for Root-knot Nematodes
Gall Index Systems

From Barker, K. R. 1985. Nematode extraction and bioassays.
In Barker, Carter and Sasser (eds) An Advanced Treatise on
Meloidogyne Vol II. Methodology.

Various index systems have been developed. Their relationship to degree of root galling is indicated below:

      Gall Index Systems         %  root system galled
     0-4  0-5  1-6  0-10
      0    0    1    0                    0
           1    2    1                   10
           2    3    2                   20
      1                                  25
                     3                   30
                     4                   40
      2    3    4    5                   50
                     6                   60
                     7                   70
      3                                  75
           4    5    8                   80
                     9                   90
      4    5    6   10                  100

Assessment of degree of galling of indicator plants
(from Daulton and Nusbaum, 1961; Nematologica)

Infection           Index           Description of Index Value
  Class             Value
    0                  0            Free from galls.
    1                  1            Trace, less than 5 galls.
    2                  5            Very slight, trace to 25 galls.
    3                 10            Slight, 26 to 100 galls.
    4                 25            Moderate, galls numerous,
                                    mostly discrete.
    5                 50            Moderately heavy, galls
                                    numerous, many coalesced.
    6                 75            Heavy, galls very numerous, mostly
                                    coalesced, root growth slightly 
    7                 90            Very heavy, mass invasion, slight root
    8                100            Extremely heavy, mass invasion, no root

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Barker, K. R. 1985. Nematode extraction and bioassays. In Barker, Carter and Sasser (eds) An Advanced Treatise on
Meloidogyne Vol II. Methodology.

Daulton, R.A.C. and C.J. Nusbaum. 1961. The effect of soil temperature on the survival of the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne javanica and M. hapla. Nematologica 6:280-294.