Family Diploscapteridae
Rev 02/05/2025
- Chromadorea
Micoletzky, 1922
Morphology and Anatomy:
- Lip region modified into labial hooks on dorsal and ventral lips;
lateral lips with membranous structures.
- Cuticle striated
- Amphid aperttures pore-like
- Stoma rhabditoid, tubular
- Female diovarial
- Male with peloderan bursa
- Female tail conoid, male tail short.
Key to genera of Diploscapteridae (from Andrassy, 2005).
- Each labial hook with a short spine close to mouth opening; stoma
cylinder width about 30% of body diameter at the same level
Carinoscapter Siddiqi, 1998
- Labial hooks without spines. Stoma cylinder 20-25% as wide as
corresponding body diameter
Diploscapter Cobb, 1913
Life Cycle:
Bacterivores; hooks on lips may rasp bacteria from surfaces and provide
currents to sweep bacteria towards mouth.
Andrassy, I. 2005. Free-living nematodes of Hungary
Vol I. Hungarian Natural History Museum.
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