Heterodera sorghi




Rev 10/16/2023

Sorghum Cyst Nematode Classification Hosts
Morphology and Anatomy Life Cycle
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           Heterodera sorghi Jain, Sethi, Swarup & Srivastava, 1982

A member of the Sacchari group of Heterodera spp.


Review general characteristics of the genus Heterodera.


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Morphology and Anatomy:

General Characteristics of the Sacchari Group of Heterodera

Cysts lemon-shaped
Bullae present, finger-like
Underbridge well-developed
J2 incisures 3
Monocotyledonous hosts

(Handoo and Subbotin, 2018; Subbotin et al., 2010,  Tanha Maafi et al., 2005, 2007)




Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:

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Economic Importance:


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Hosts of the Sacchari group of Heterodera spp. are generally moncotyledons.
For an extensive host range list for this species, click


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Life Cycle:

Ecophysiological Parameters:

For Ecophysiological Parameters for this species, click If species level data are not available, click for genus level parameters


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Host Plant Resistance, Non-hosts and Crop Rotation alternatives:

For plants reported to have some level of resistance to this species, click



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Handoo, Z.A., Subbotin, S.A. 2018. Taxonomy, identification and principal species. Chapter 15 in Perry, R.N. Moens, M., and Jones, J.T.(eds)  Cyst Nematodes. CAB International.

Jain, K.K., Sethi, C.L., Swarup, G.  & Srivastav, A.N. 1982. Heterodera sorghi sp. n., a new cyst-forming nematode parasitizing sorghum. Revue Nematol 5:201-204

Subbotin, S,A., Mundo-Ocampo, M., Baldwin, J.G. 2010. Systematics of Cyst Nematodes (Nematode: Heteroderinae). Nematology Monographs and Perspectives Volume 8B, D.J. Hunt and R.N. Perry (eds) Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands 512p

Tanha Maafi, Z., Sturhan, D., Handoo, Z., Mor, M., Moens, M., Subbotin, S.A.. (2005). Morphological and molecular characterisation of Heterodera sacchari Luc & Merny, 1963 and H. goldeni Handoo & Ibrahim, 2002 (Nematoda: Heteroderidae). Russian Journal of Nematology 13, 152-153.

Tanha Maafi, Z., Sturhan, D., Handoo, Z., Mor, M., Moens, M., Subbotin, S.A.2007. Morphological and molecular studies on Heterodera sacchari, H. goldeni and H. leuceilyma (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) Nematology 9:493-497.


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