Rev 08/03/20
Tylenchida Tylenchina Tylenchoidea (Orley, 1880)
Hoplolaimoidea (Filip'ev, 1934) Heteroderoidea (Filip'ev & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1941) Dolichodoroidea (Chitwood, 1950) Atylenchoidea (Skarbilovich, 1959)
Classification and Characteristics Chart of the Order Tylenchida
Lip region generally hexaradiate and distinguished from general body contour. Labial region supported by a cuticularized skeleton.
Procorpus generally set off from metacorpus, usually slender and cylindrical.
Isthmus slender, postcorpus usually wider than metacorpus.
Postcorpus consists of three glands enclosed in a terminal bulb or overlapping the intestine.
Phasmids commonly adanal on the tail, or variously on the body.
[Ref: Maggenti, Luc, Raski, Fortuner, Geraert, Rev. Nematol. 10:135-142 (1987).]