Rev: 12/21/2024
Type species of the genus; Deladenus durus (Cobb, 1922) Thorne, 1941
Dotylaphus Andrassy, 1958
Ref: Jalainasab, et al., 2020
Often associated with bark of dead trees.
Wood (1973) observed Deladenus durus feeding and reproducing on fungi in culture.
Parasites of insects
Some species are considered to have alternative life cycles, one as insect parasitic nematodes and another thought to feed on fungi, algae, or root hairs of higher plants. Examples: Fergusobia, Deladenus (Siddiqi, 2000; Yeates et al., 1993).
Deladenus nitobei is an internal parasite of a wood wasp, Sirex nitobei.. Parasitized wasps are collected as they emerge from dead logs. The parasitism results in a reduction in body size of females (Kanzaki et al., 2018).
Bedding, R. A. and Akhurst, R. J. 1978. Geographical distribution and host preferences of Deladenus species (Nematoda: Neotylenchidae) parasitic in siricid woodwasps and associated hymenopterous parasitoids. Nematologica 24:286-94.
Chitambar, J. J. 1991. On the genus Deladenus Thorne, 1941 (Nemata: Allantonematidae). Review of the mycetophagous stage. Revue de Nematologie 14:427-444
Fenili, R.; Mendes, C. J.; Miquelluti, D. J.; Mariano-da-Silva, S.; Xavier, Y.; Ribas, H. S.; Furlan, G.. 2000. Deladenus siricidicola, Bedding (Neotylenchidae) parasitism evaluation in adult Sirex noctilio, Fabricius, 1793 (Hymenoptera: Siricidae). Revista Brasileira de Biologia 61: 683-687.
Jalainasab, P., Esmaelli, M., Ye, W., Heydari, R. 2020. Description of Deladenus gilanica n. sp. (Hexatylina: Neotylenchidae) isolated from wood of black pine in Northern Iran. J. Nematology 52: | DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2020-065
Kanzaki, N., S.E. Tanaka, M. Ito, K. Tanaka, B. Slippers and M. Tabata. 2018. Some additional bionomic characters of Deladenus nitobei. Nematology 20:597-599.
Siddiqi, M. R. 2000. Tylenchida: Parasites of plants and insects, 2nd ed. Wallingford: CABI Publishing.
Wood, F.H. 1973. Nematode feeding relationships: Feeding relationships of soil-dwelling nematodes. Soil Riol. Biochem. 5: 593-601.
Yeates, G.W., T. Bongers, R.G.M. de Goede, D.W.Freckman and S.S. Georgieva. 1993. Feeding habits in soil nematode families - an outline for ecologists. Journal of Nematology 25:315-331.