- didelphic, amp[hidelphic; posterior ovary longer than anterior
- .Prominent lateral alae, extend from level of nerve ring to
level of cloaca.
- Anterior with 4 refractile papillae and 2 lateral sensillae
- Stoma greatly reduced; anterior portion funnel-shaped,
- Eesophagus with widened metacorpus and long isthmus.
esophageal bulb valves inconspicuous
- Monorchic, testis with flexure
- Spermatozoa in swollen part of testis,
- Single spicule
- One pair of protruded papillae,at level of spicule, 2 pairs of
papillae close to cloacal opening and a pair of smaller papillae
on tail.
Ref: Yeates and Spiridonov, 1996