Rhabditophanes schneideri




Rev 04/02/2024

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Class:    Chromadorea
SubOrder: Rhabditia
Order:    Rhabditida 
Superfamily Strongyloidoidea
Family:  Alloionematidae

  Rhabditophanes schneideri (Butschli, 1873) Goodey, 1953

Type species of the genus,


Rhabditis schneideri Butschli, 1873

Rhabditophanes insolitus Fuchs, 1930

Cheilobus quadeilabiatus Cobb, 1924

Cheilobus insolitus (Fuchs, 1930) Goodey, 1953

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Morphology and Anatomy:

. Rhabditophanes schneideri  A, Lip region. B, Pharyngeal region. C, Female gonad.
D, Female posterior. E, Female. F, Male. G, Male posterior  H, Gubernaculum. I, Spicule.
From Seddiqi et al., 2016



  • Body curved ventrally, “J”-shaped after fixation.
  • Monorchic, with testis ventrally reflexed.
  • Three precloacal pairs of gental papillae and five postcloacal pairs, two subventral and three subdorsal. 
  • Spicules ventrally curved, shorter than cbd; manubrium rounded, offset from short calomus; lamina ventrally curved and weakly developed velum.
  • Gubernaculum with a proximal globular part.
  • Tail conical, curved ventrad, with slender terminal spike. Phasmids at 46% of tail length.

Ref: Seddiqi et al., 2016


  • Body slightly curved ventrad after fixation. Cuticle striated, lateral fields not visible.
  • Lip region offset, with six rounded lips, bearing small papillae.
  • Stoma panagrolaimoid, with distinct cheilo-, gymno- and stegostom;
  • Pharynx rhabditoid; pharyngeal corpus about 2.5-3.5 times the isthmus length, distinctly swollen; isthmus robust, wider anteriorly and distinctly separated from corpus; basal bulb spheroid, with prominent grinder.
  • Cardia conoid, surrounded by intestinal tissue.
  • Nerve ring at isthmus level, secretory-excretory pore opening at isthmus level,
  • Didelphic-amphidelphic; ovaries dorsally reflexed, lacking posterior flexures; oviduct long, tubular, separated from the uterus by a constriction;
  • Sspermatheca not differentiated; uteri swollen, each twice as long as the corresponding body diameter; vagina with thin walls, one-third of the body diameter long;
  • Vulva with slightly protruding lips, located posterior to middle part of body.
  • Rectum 1.3 times the abd.
  • Tail conical, slightly concave ventrally with acute end. Phasmids at 34% of tail length.


Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:


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Reported from several locations as well as Iran. Often associated with beetles (Nemat et al., 2016).

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Biology and Ecology:

   Phoretic and probably necromenic with beetles.  Also, R. schneideri has  been reported to be phoretic on cave pseudoscorpions (Nermut et al., 2016).

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Life Cycle:


Ecophysiological Parameters:

For Ecophysiological Parameters for this species, click If species level data are not available, click for genus level parameters

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Ecosystem Functions and Services:


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Butschli O. 1873. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der freilebenden Nematoden. Nova Acta der Kaiserlich Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher. 36:1-124.

Chitwood B.G, McIntosh A. 1934. A new variety of Alloionema (Nematoda: Diplogasteridae), with a note on the genus. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington. 1:37-38.

Fuchs G. 1930. Neue an Borken- und Rüsselkäfer gebundene Nematoden, halbparasitische und Wohnungseinmieter. Freilebende Nematoden aus Moos und Walderde in Borken- und Rüsselkäfergängen. Zoologische Jahrbücher (Systematik). 59:505-646.

Goodey T. 1953. On certain eelworms, including Butschli’s Tylenchus fungorum, obtained from toadstools. Journal of Helminthology. 27:81-94.

Nermut, J., V. Puza and Z. Mracek. 2016. Neoallionema indicum n. sp. (Nematoda: Alloionematidae), a new Alloionematid from India. Nematology 16:949-962.

Seddiqi, E., Shokoohi, E., Divsalar, N., Abolafia, J. 2016. Descriptions of four known species of the families Panagrolaimidae and Alloionematidae (Nematoda: Rhabditida) from Iran. Tropical Zoology 29:87-110. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03946975.2016.1177384

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Copyright © 1999 by Howard Ferris.
Revised: April 02, 2024.