Propanagrolaimus hygrophilus


Rev 01/11/2022

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Panagrolaimus hygrophilus Bassen, 1940 = Propanagrolaimus hygrophilus (Bassen, 1940) Andrassy, 2005

Transferred to genus Propanagrolaimus by Andrassy, 2005

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Morphology and Anatomy:


  • Short cylindrical stoma. 
  • Esophagus with long tapering corpus with no offset metacorpus
  • Valve in postcorpus
  • Female monovarial, prodelphic, ovary reflexed, offset spermatheca
  • Rapidly moving, very active nematodes.
  • Tail conical but asymmetrical, shorter on ventral side, longer than that of P. rigidus.  
  • Male unknown

Ref: Bassen, 1940, Andrassy, 2005; Khan et al., 2012

Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:


Propanagrolaimus hygrophilus
A: entire body, female; B: anterior; C: pharyngeal region D: postpharyngeal region; E: female gonad; F: uterus and post-uterine sac; G: tail region
from Khan et al., 2012


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Described from rotting tubers of the waterlily Nelumbium nucifera. Also collected from sandy soil and alluvium on the bank of a pond in India (Khan et al. 2012)

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Active bacterial feeder.

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Biology and Ecology:

Rapidly moving, actively swimming nematodes.


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Life Cycle:

Ecophysiological Parameters:

For Ecophysiological Parameters for this species, click If species level data are not available, click for genus level parameters

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Ecosystem Functions and Services:

Bacterially-mediated decomposition of organic matter; nitrogen mineralization.


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Andrassy, I. 2005. Free-living Nematodes of Hungary I. Hungarian Natural History Museum 518p.

Bassen, J.L. 1940. Panagrolaimus hygrophilus n. sp., a nematode found in decayed tubers of the waterlily root, Nelumbium nucifera Gaertn. Proc. Hel. Soc. Wash. 7:101-103.

Khan, R. Hussain, A., Tahseen, Q. 2012.Descriptions of one new and two known species of Panagrolaimoidea (Nematoda) from India. J. Natural History 46:867-864.

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Copyright © 1999 by Howard Ferris.
Revised: January 11, 2022 .