Slender body, cuticle very finely striated.
Cephalic framework very weak.
Esophagus with narrow procorpus, muscilar metacorpus with prominent
valve, slender isthmus and pyriform glandular, not valved postcorpus
that does not overlap intestine.
Well-developed cardia between esophagus and intestine.
Excretory pore level with posterior end of isthmus.
Tail elongate, filiform in both sexes.
Monovarial, prodelphic with ovary reflexed and extending well posterior
to vulva.
Postuterine sac long, sometimes containing sperm.
Spermatheca not offset from uterus.
Spiculessmall, slender, paired, separate.
Gubernaculum curved.
Papillae in cloacal region and on tail have arrangement of diagnostic
Ref. Atighi et al. (2015)