Characteristics of Glauxinema aquaticum
from Gagarin and Thank, 2006
- Larger than males.
- Didelphic, amphidelphic, with antidromous ovaries.
- Vulva in most species anterior to mid-body.
- Female tail usually longer than distance between vulva and anus.
Tail usually shorter in male than in female.
Ref: Gagarin and Thanh, 2006
- Males smaller and slenderer than females.
- Males, in addition, have four setiform papillae situated behind the
labial papillae; absent in female..
- Testis simple, bent.
- Spicules separate, slender, slightly curved, with handle-like
- Gubernaculum curved, thin; its proximal end claw-like, often with
- Bursa small, rudimentary.
- Nine to ten sexual setiform papillae: three pairs precloacal and six
to seven pairs postcloacal (caudal).
- Tail shorter than that of female.