Rev 02/26/2024
Neodiplogastridae is distinguished from Diplogastridae in the asymmetric versus symmetric metastom and the movable teeth versus fixed teeth.
Predominantly terrestrial nematodes mainly occurring in habitats rich in bacteria.
In some species there are phorectic associations exist with insects.
Two subfamilies: Neodiplogastrinae Paramonov, 1952 and Mononchoidinae Andrassy, 1976.
Mononchoidinae: Stegostom in left subventral position always with a serrate plate.
Neodiplogastrinae: Stegostom in left subventral position with one or two denticles, or without any armament.
In some genera the stoma comes in two forms, a longer, narrower form with less armamentation (stenostomous form) and a shorter, wider, more heavily armed form (eusrystomous form), eg., in Pristionchus. Prevalence of the two forms may relate to food availability and whether the species is in predatory or becterivore mode.
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De Ley, P. and Blaxter. M. 2004. A new system for Nematoda: combining morphological characters with molecular trees, and translating clades into ranks and taxa. Nematology Monographs and Perspectives, 2004: 633-653.
Gagarin, V.G. & Nguyen Vu Thanh. 2006. Re-classification of Neodiplogasteridae with notes on the genus Glauxinema Allgen, 1947 and description of G. aquaticum sp. n. from Vietnam (Nematoda). Zoosystematica Rossica, 15:1-6