Rev: 10/15/2024
In the Molinidae, most species have synlophes with variations of an 18-ridge bilaterally symmetrical system in the cervical region. A sixth species has 26 cervical ridges. Two groups of species of genus Nematodirus are recognized on the basis of synlophe characteristics and other morphological features:
vulva in posterior 25% of bodyovejector kidney-shaped,
tail with caudal spine and tubercles
Ref: Durette-Desset et al, 1981; Durette- Desset and Chabaud, 1981
Two species, T. minor and T. major, are decribed from tree shrews in Indonesia.
Intestinal parasites of tree shrews (Tupaia tana).
Dunn, F.L. 1963. A new trichostrongylid nematode from an oriental primate. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington, 30, 161-165.
Durette-Desset, M.C. & Chabaud, A.G. 1981. Sur les Molineidae parasites de Mammiferes. Annales de Parasitologie humaine et comparee, 56: 489-502.
Durette-Desset, M-C., Palmieri, J.R., Purnomo, Cassone. J. 1981. Two new species of Tupaiostrongylus Dunn, 1963 (Nematoda: Molineidae) from a tree shrew (Tupaia tana) of Indonesia. Systematic Parasitology 3:237-242.