Rev: 12/19/2024
Anoplostrongylus Schwartz, 1927
Molinostrongylus Skarbilovitch, 1934
Synlophe oriented ventral to dorsal; ridges in both sexes arising just posterior to cephalic inflation. Both males and females possess only 2 dorsal cuticular ridges in anterior and midbody regions; posterior region of males also with 2 dorsal ridges, but small in size . Females with 4 ridges of similar size, 2 dorsal and 2 ventral, at prevulvar level. At postvulvar region, synlophe without ventral ridges. Caudal extremity without ridges.
Ref: Falcon-Ordaz et al., 2006
Intestinal parasites of bats of the genera Tadarida and Molossus.
Falcon-Ordaz, J., Guzman-Cornejo, C.; Garcia-Prieto, L., Gardner, S.L. 2006. Tadaridanema delicatus (Schwartz, 1927) n. gen., n. comb. (Trichostrongylina: Molineidae) Parasite of Molossidae Bats. J. Parasitol., 92(5): 1035-1042
Schwartz, B. 1927. A new parasitic nematode from an unknown species of bat. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 71: 1-4.