- Bursa with symmetrical lateral lobes and a small dorsal lobe.
- Ventroventral and latero-ventral bursal rays widely divergent, the
former more slender than the latter, and both reaching the edge of the
bursa. Antero-lateral ray much stouter than the other lateral rays, and
not reaching the edge of the bursa. Mediolateral ray widely divergent
from the antero-lateral ray, but relatively close to the postero-lateral
ray; both these rays reaching the edge of the bursa. Externo-dorsal rays
originate from ttle steal of the dorsal ray towards its base. Dorsal ray
bifurcate at its tip and with a pair of accessory branches.
- Prebursal papillm present.
- Spicules simple proximally, but alate for the greater part of their
length, and somewhat thickened distally, without barbs. An accessory
piece present.