Rev: 02/23/2024
Heterotylenchus Nickle, 1967
Type species of the genus: Heterotylenchus aberrans Bovien, 1937
Characteristics of Heterotylenchus autumnalis as an example of the genus:
Heterosexual female:
Heterosexual male:
Parthenogenic female:
Ref: Nickle, 1967
:Heterotylenchus autumnalis is a nematode parasite of the face fly, Musca autumnalis De Geer, which was introduced into North America from Europe. The face fly affects horses and cattle.
The nematode is reported infecting face flies in New York, New Jersey, Missouri, and Nebraska, It causes sterility of the insect female.
Heterotylenchus is considered a heteromorphic genus, with alternation of gamogenetic and parthenogenetic generations. An infected female face fly may contain adults, ljuveniles and eggs of the nematode.
In the gametogenic phase of the nematode, the ovaries of the female fly become packed with males and unmated females in regions of the gonad usually occupied by eggs. During oviposition behavior, female flies deposit packets of nematodes into manure piles. The males of the "oviposited" nematodes mate and then the male dies; the impregnated young female nematodes enter the body cavity of the fly maggot, apparently through the body wall.
Once inside the maggot, the nematode develops into the adult parasitic stage which lays eggs in the hemolymph. Those eggs develop into parthenogenetic females. The parthenogenetic females lay large numbers of eggs which in turn develop into the small males and females. When they develop to a length of about 1 mm, they penetrate the insect ovaries, completing the life cycle (Nickle, 1967).
The nematode causes sterility of the female face fly by invading the gonad and destroying the ovaries.. In a survey of face flies in the 1960s, between 8 and 44% of flies were found infected by the nematode. (Nickle, 1967).
Nickle, W.R. 1967. Heterotylenchus autumnalis sp. n. (Nematoda: Sphaerulariidae), a Parasite of the Face Fly, Musca autumnalis De Geer. J. Parasitol. 53:398-401.
Stoffalono, J.G., Jr.., Nickle, W.R. 1966. Nematode parasite (Heterotylenchus sp.) of face fly in New York State. J. Econ. Entomol. 59: 221-222