- Females are similar to males but generally longer.
- Amphids occupy just 36% of the correspondent diameter, while in
males this proportion is 45%.
- Didelphic, vulva at 54% of the body with two perivulvar glands
- Vagina transverse; ovejector sclerotized; vagina vera separated from
vagina uterine by sphincter; uteri paired opposed;
- Spermatheca occupying about one third of each uterus; oviduct
indistinct; ovaries antidromously reflexed, flexion at the junction of
ovary and uterus. Anterior ovary to the left side of the intestine,
posterior ovary to the right.
- Female tail conical, longer than in males. Terminal spinneret with
same morphology than in males but slightly elongated.
- Body slender, long.
- Cuticle transversally striated with fine punctation more evident on
the tail region.
- Few somatic setae with no fixed distribution pattern.
- Head conical, low lips. Inner labial sensilla papilliform, six
outer-labial short setiform sensilla, four cephalic setae 35% of
corresponding body diameter long.
- Short dorso-sublateral subcephalic setae present.
- Amphid spiral, 3 turns.
- Stoma ventrally displaced. Buccal cavity wide, deep (18 um), funnel
- Gymnostom followed by cuticularized pharyngostom expanded
- Sclerotized walls of pharyngostom with three small teeth: a
dorsal tooth and two smaller subventral teeth.
- Pharynx cylindrical with posterior muscular bulb.
- Secretory excretory pore located immediately after cephalic setae.
- Diorchic, outstretched testes anteriorly directed, anterior one to
the right of intestine and posterior one, smaller, to the left.
- Spicules of equal size, about the same length as the cloacal
diameter, slightly cephalated, bent about 1/3 of the distance from the
distal end.
- Gubernaculum plate-like with a sclerotized rod-like internal
structure at the distal half.
- Ten to twelve conspicuous cup-shaped precloacal supplements with
external longitudinal articulated flange.
- Prominent ventral precloacal spine about 16 um anterior to the
cloacal opening.
- Tail conical plump, with bluntly rounded tip.
- Three caudal glands opening in a prominent, terminal blunt
spinneret, half as wide as the tip of the tail.