Rev: 01/16/2025
Leptosomatides Filipjev, 1918
Type species of the genus: Leptosomatides euxina Filipjev, 1918
Diorchic, testes opposed and outstretched;
Ventral precloacal papilla and 2 subventral rows of accessory sensilla present in cloacal region.
Gubernaculum with cuneus, crura present or reduced.
Amphidelphic, antidromic.
Vaginal ovejector present. Gonads located left of intestine.
Lateral vulvar glands and intra-cuticular vulvar granules usually present.
Free-living marine nematodes. Reported from coastal ocean waaters, including in association with sponges.
Epistrate feeders
Bastian, H. Ch. 1865. Monograph on the Anguillilidae, or free Nematoids, marine, land, and freshwater; with descriptions of 100 new species. - Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 25:73-184.
Bongers, T. 1983. Revision of the genus Leptosomatum Bastian, 1865. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 96:807-855.
Bongers, T. 1984. Revision of the genus Leptosomatides Filipjev, 1918 (Nematoda: Enoplida). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 97: 12-29.
Filipjev, I. 1918. Free-living marine nematodes of the Sebastopol area.-Trudy Osoboi Zoologicheskoi Laboratorii i Sebastopol'skoi Biologicheskoi Statsii Akademii Nauk (2)4:1-350.
Platonova, T. A. 1967. Free-living marine nematodes of the family Leptosomatidae from the European Arctic [Svobodnozhivushchie Morskie Nematody Semeistva Leptosomatidae Evropeiskoi Arktiki]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 46: 828-839.
Smol, N., Muthumbi, A., Sharma, J. 2014. Order Enoplida, 7.3. In Schmidt-Rhaesa, A. (ed) Handbook of Zoology. De Gruyter, Berlin