Mylonchulus Cobb, 1916
Type species of genus: Mononchus minor Cobb, 1893 =
Mylonchulus minor (Cobb, 1893) Cobb, 1916
Mononchus (Mylonchulus, Cobb 1916)
Paramylonchulus Jairajpuri & Khan, 1982
Pakmylonchulus Khan & Saeed, 1987
- Body length 0.5-3.2 mm.
- Buccal cavity goblet to funnel shape, tapering posteriorly
- Large mural tooth, massive, claw-like, on the anterior half dorsal side,
- Transverse rows of denticles on the ventral side of buccal
- Cardia non-tuberculate
- Caudal glands well developed
- Tail similar in both sexes, varying from rounded to elongate in
different species, usually short, bearing a terminal to subterminal spinneret.
- amphidelphic (or maybe prodelphic in some species)
- Occur frequently
- Short spicules
- Ventromenian supplements: 6-16 pairs.
Ref: Andrassy (2009); Ahmad and Jairajpuri, (2010)
Drawing from Andrassy, 1992 |
Mainly moist, terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Reported world-wide.
Predator. Prey cuticle penetrated and disrupted by the mural
tooth and rasp-like denticles (Bilgarmi, 2008)..
Attach to substrates with spinneret, allowing whip-like motions of
body, .
Regulation of opportunistic taxa.
Bilgrami, A.L. 2008. Biocontrol potentials of predatory nematodes.
Chapter 1 in Ciancio, A. and Mukerji, K.G. (eds).Integrated Management and
Biocontrol of Vegetable and Grain Crops Nematodes pp3-28.
Jairajpuri, M.S. 1969. Studies on Mononchida of India. I. The genera
Hadronchus, Iotonchus and Miconchus and a revised classification of
Mononchida, new order. Nematologica 15:557-581.
Jairajpuri, M.S. 1970. Studies on Mononchida of India. III. The genus
Mylonchulus (Family Mylonchulidae Jairajpuri, 1969). Nematologica
16:434-456.. Nematologica 15:557-581.