Rev: 10/25/2024
Type species of the genus: Antarcticonema comicapitatum Timm, 1978
Ref: Decraemer, 1983
Free-living marine nematodes. Type species described from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Other speciers reported from Moc:ambique Channel, near Ile Glorieuses, at 3700m depth.
Decraemer, W. 1983. Trivominae (Nematoda-Desamoscolecida) from the northern part of the Mocambique Channel, with five new species ansd one new genus. .Bull. Inst. r. Sci. nat. Belg. 55:5.
Timm, R.W. 1978. 1978. Marine nematodes of the order Desmoscolecida from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. - Biology of the Antarctic Seas VI. A11tarctic Research Series, 26, 225-236