- Delicate nematodes with well-developed
teguminal sheath.
- Lips absent, perityles present but
inconspicuous except in apical view, lateral perityles with two
papillae and amphids, mediodorsal and mediolateral perityles with
three papillae.
- Excre tory pore 72 um and nerve ring 100 um from
- \. Spicules 191 um long, stout, arcuate, distal
end with minute complex tips.
- Gubernaculum complex, with distal handle directed
dorsally and boat-shaped piece extending posteriorly be neath
- Caudal region of body with two rows of
broad muscles extending diago nally from lateral surface of
hypodermis to ventral surface of hypodermis; muscle bands beginning
in bursal region and terminating 2.2 mm anterior to cloaca.
- Cloaca minute, bordered by clear triangular area
of cuticle with two papillae-like structures immediately posterior.
- Excretory pore 77 um and nerve ring 110 um from
cephalic extremity.
- Rectum lined with thick cuticle.
- Anus opening on slight elevation.
- Vulva opening dorsal to anus, leading into
prominent ovejector with distal sphincter
- Didelphic. Prodelphic.
- Ovoviviparous.
- Larva with out dorsal spine
Ref: Anderson et al., 1979