Rev 07/19/2024
As of 2013, the genus Dirofilaria was considered to have 27 apparently valid species and 15 species of questionable validity.Some species originally described in Dirofilria have been moved to other gtenera (Dantes-Torres and Otranto, 2013)
The genus is distributed worldwide.
Lymphatic filariasis is caused by nematodes occupying and disrupting the lymphatic system, often resulting in significant swelling of tissues and elephantiasis.
Species infect dogs, a wide range of wild animals (foxes, coyotes, wolves, dogs, sea lions, harbour seals, ferrets, horses, bears, wolverines, muskrats, raccoons, bobcats, cats, monkeys, and red pandas), and humans (Dantes-Tores and Otranto, 2013).
Transmitted by many species of mosquitos.
Two hosts to complete the life cycle, an intermediate host (often an arthropd) and a primary host (usually a vertebrate). The juvenile stages occur in the intermediate host and the reproductive adult in the definitive (primary) host.
Damage to the heart, pulomonary nodules in the lungs., and subcutaneous infections.
Dantes-Tores, F and Otranto, D. 2013. Dirofilariosis in the Americas: a more virulent Dirofilaria immitis?. Parasites and Vectors, 6:288
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