Pharyngodon novaeguineae




Rev 11/26/2023

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 Pharyngodon novaeguineae Bursey, Goldberg & Kraus, 2008


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Morphology and Anatomy:

Pharyngodon novaeguineae: 1. Female anterior lateral view with position of excretory pore and vulva; 5. Female posterior en lateral view,
Adapted from Bursey et al., 2008


  • Caudal alae that envelop the 3 pairs of caudal papillae
  • Sexual dimorphism, males shorter and thinner than females.
  • Mouth bounded by 3 lips; dorsal lip with 2 papillae, each sublateral lip with 1 papilla and 1 amphid.
  • Esophagus with anterior cylindrical corpus, short isthmus and posterior valved bulb.
  • Tail in both sexes forming flexible terminal process.
  • Cuticle with transverse annulations and longitudinal striations
  • Lateral alae extending from level of nerve ring to base of caudal alae.
  •  Nerve ring 109 um from anterior end.
  • Excretory pore posterior to esophageral bulb.
  • Three pairs of caudal papillae; precloacal pair situated on slightly inflated portion of caudal end, adcloacal pair posteriorly directed, and postcloacal pair enclosed by caudal alae.
  • Prominent V-shaped cloacal lips.
  • Spicule absent.




  •  Lateral alae absent.
  • Anus 204 um anterior of base of tail spike.
  • Vulva in anterior half of body.slitlike, anterior lip coronoid (beak-like), about 598 um from anterior
  • Thick-walled ovijector, approximately 215 um long  and thin-walled vagina,
  • Amphidelphic-opisthodelphic; 2 uteri extend posteriorly and when filled with eggs reach posterior end of body cavity.
  • Excretrory pore posterior to esophageal bulb and slightly anterior to vulva..
  • Egg, spindleform, one end pointed and unadorned, one end truncate with blade-like adornment, slightly flattened on one side, thin, smooth shell.

Distinguishing characteristices of the species:

  • absence of a spicule
  •  egg morphology
  •  excretory pore position.

Four species of Pharyngodon,  P. frenatusi, P. intermicauda,, P. kuntzi and P. neyrae have been described as lacking a spicule and having eggs with pointed ends.

Ref: Bursey et al., 2008

Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:strong>

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Described as a a parasite of the large intestine of ring-tailed geckos, Cyrtodactylus louisiadensis  in Papua New Guinea,

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  Intestinal parasites of ring-tailed geckos (Cyrtodactylus louisiadensis)

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Biology and Ecology:


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Life Cycle:


Ecophysiological Parameters:

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Ecosystem Functions and Services:


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Bursey, C.R., Goldberg, S.R., Kraus, F. 2008. A new species of Pharyngodon (Nematoda, Pharyngodonidae) and other helminths in Cyrtodactylus louisiadensis (Sauria, Gekkonidae) from Papua New Guinea. Acta Parasitologica, 2008, 53: 41-45. DOI: 10.2478/s11686-008-0005-z

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Copyright © 1999 by Howard Ferris.
Revised: November 26, 2023.