. Tachygonetria vivipara. 1. Anterior end of female. 2.
Cephalic end, en face view of female. 3. Anterior end of male. 4.
Cephalic end, en face view of male. 5. Caudal extremity, lateral view of
male. 6. Caudal extremity, ventral view of male. Scale-bars: 1, 100 um;
2,4-6, 10 um; 3, 30 um
Drawings from Bouamer and Morand (2002) |
- Body curved ventrally at posterior end; ending in very short
robust tail,
- Cloaca with 2 pairs of genital papillae: one rosette-shaped
pre-anal, middle-sized pair and one elongate post-anal pair of
papillae. One pair of sessile papillae at end of tail. Pre-cloacal
membrane present with 2 narrow lobes; each lobe close to post-anal
papilla on same side.
- Protruding anterior cloacal lip formed by 2 robust,
elongate and conical lobes, with extremity of spicule visible
between them. Posterior lip of cloaca with 2 lateral nipple-like
features associated with lobes of anterior lip.
- Spicule short slender and needle-shaped; gubernaculum V-shaped
with broad base.
- Tail short, robust, without alae or caudal spine.
- Body thinner and longer than that of the male.
- Diderlphic- amphidelphic; ovaries large, dense and opposed
- Vulva near middle of body. Vagina short. .
- Eggs large, elliptical, unembryonated varyingy in size according
to their state of development; shell thin.
- Tail medium-sized, not very tapered.
Ref: Bouamer and Morand (2002)