Rev 02/25/2025
Type species of the genus: Lemuricola lemuris (Baer, 1935) Chabaud & Petter, 1959
Pinworm parasites of lemurs
Species of Lemuricola can be separated into two groups depending on the presence or absence of a tail tip, which may be 20-70% or more of the tail lenght, in males
Ref: Hogot et AL., 1995
Most species of Lemuricola have been describe from lemurs from Madabascar
Intestinal parasites of lemurs and other primates
Baer J.G.S. 1935. Etudes de quelques helminthes de Lemuriens. Revue Suisse de Zodogie 42: 275-292.
Chabaud A. G. and Petter A. J. 1959. Les Nematodes parasites de Lemuriens Malgaches. II. Un nouvel Oxyure: Lemuricola contagiosus. Memoirs de l'Institut Scientifique de Madagascar Serie A 13:127-132.
Hugot, J.P., Morand, S., Gardner, S.L. 1995. Morphology and morphometrics ot three oxyurids parasitic in primates with a description of Lemuricola microcebi, n.sp. International J. Parasitol. 25:1065-1075.
Petter, A.J. and Quentin, J.C. 1976). Key to the genera of the Oxyuroidea. CIH Keys to the Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates. No. 4. Anderson, R.C., Chabaud, A.G. & Willmott, S. (Editors). Farnham Royal, Slough, UK: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 30 pp
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