Family Leptolaimidae
Revised 02/03/25
Leptolaimidae Orley, 1880
Type genus of the family: Leptolaimus de Man, 1876
Synonyms per Holovachov and Bostrom, 2015:
Halaphanolaimidae De Coninck & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1933
Peresianidae Vitiello & De Coninck 1968
As of 2021, the family includes seven genera, five of which inhabit marine and brackish habitats (Holovachov & Boström, 2004). Of these genera, Leptolaimus de Man, 1876 inhabits marine or brackish habits and includes over 70 nominal species,several of which are considered invalid (Gharahkhani et al;., 2021).
There were three subfamilies: Anonchinae, Camacolaiminae and Leptolaiminae (Hope and Tchseunov, 1999).. Of these, Camacolaiminae has been elevated to the rank of family (Camacolaimidae) (Holovachov and Bostrom, 2004).
Ref: Hope and Tchseunov, 1999; Holovachov and Bostrom, 2004
Gharahkhani, A., E. Pourjam, O. Holovachov, M. Pedram. 2021. Phylogenetic relationships of Leptolaimus de Man, 1876 (Plectida: Leptolaimidae) with description of two new species from the Persian Gulf, Iran. Nematology 23:153-169.
Holovachov, O. and Bostrom, S. 2004. Morphology and systematics of the superfamilies Leptolaimoidea Örley, 1880 and Camacolaimoidea Micoletzky, 1924 (Nematoda: Plectida). J. Nematode Morphology and Systematics 7:1-49.
Hope, W.D. and Tchesunov, A.V. 1999. Smithsoninema inaequale n.g, and n.sp. (Nematoda, Leptolaimidae) inhabiting the test of a foraminiferan. Invertebrate Biology 118: 95108.
Urkmez, D. and Brennan, M.L. 2013. A new species of Halaphanolaimus (Nematoda: Leptolaimidae) from the southern Black Sea (Turkey) with a modified key for species identification. Zootaxa 3691:220-228.