Family Strongyloididae
- Chromadorea
- Rhabditida
- Tylenchina
- Strongyloidoidea
Strongyloididae Chitwood & McIintosh, 1934
A family reported as parasites of a wide variety of mammals.
Per Chitwood and Chitwood, 1950:
- Free-living Generation:
- Oral opening guarded by two lateral cephalic lobes.
- Esophagus with corpus, isthmus, and valved bulb.
- Female with two divergent uteri, ovaries reflexed; vulva near middle
of body.
- Male with one testis, equal spicules, a gubernaculum, and patterned
genital papillae.
- Caudal alae absent.
- Parthenogenetic or sexually reproducing.
- Filariform.
- Stoma cup-shaped or greatly reduced.
- Esophagus greatly elongate.
- Reproductive systems in females and males (when present) similar to that
of free-living generation.
- Live in gastrointestinal tract of most vertebrates.
The family differs from the
Rhabdiasidae in the superfamily Stongyloidoidea in that in the Rhabdiiasidae
parasitic forms are relatively short and stout and are parasites of the lungs of
reptiles and amphibians (Little, 1966).
Of the two genera in the family, Srongyloides
and Parastrongyloides differ in that in the parasitic form, the former
eare the only genera of this family and they differ in that the para- sitic form
of the former is parthenogenetic and that of the latter is sexually reproducing
and has a cup=shaped stoma. is dioecious and has a cup-shaped, thick-walled
DeLey, P., I.T. DeLey, M. Mundo-Ocampo. 1998.
Nematode Workshop: Identification of free-living Chromadorea
Department of Nematology, UC Riverside.
Little, M.D. 1966. Comparative
morphologhy of six species of Strongyloides (Nematoda) and redefinition of the
genus. J. Parasitol. 52:69-84.
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