Subfamily Tylenchocriconematinae
Tylenchocriconematinae (Raski and Siddiqui, 1975)
Morphology and Anatomy:
- Long, slender nematodes, 0.50 to 0.83 mm long;
- labial area with weak sclerotization, anterior surface flattened, bearing squarish plate with H-shaped oral aperture, four small submedian lobes at corners of plate;
- cuticle finely annulated;
- stylet long, slender, and prominent; cone longer than shaft plus knobs, becomes very slender in anterior half;
procorpus enlarges gradually to large muscular metacorpus followed by long, slender
isthmus and elongate posterior bulb with enclosed glands;
- body annulation very fine,
- lateral field slightly raised from contour of body, appears as two longitudinal lines, but SEM photograph shows four equally-spaced lines;
- post-vulval sac very long,
- single ovary;
spermatheca offset, distinct, at anterior end of uterus;
- vulva a broad slit with slightly overhanging anterior lip, SEM photograph shows prominent lateral vulval membranes.
- tail conoid.
- Slender, slightly shorter than female, 0.42 to 0.65 mm;
- labial area without discernible sclerotization, unusual oblique anterior surface sloping ventrad with small, distinct submedian lobes;
- stylet absent;
- esophagus degenerate;
- lateral
field with four equally-spaced lines;
- no sheath;
- spicules long, curved;
- caudal alae long and slender, extending to
tail terminus.
- Similar to female in general aspect and stylet structure.
- Feeds on leaf surfaces and in the crowns of the bromeliad, Tillandsia flabellata;
- largest numbers of nematodes are found in crowns, just below water line.
Additional Information:
Raski, D.J. and Luc, M. 1987. A reappraisal of Tylenchina (Nematoda) 10. The
superfamily Criconematoidea Taylor, 1936. Revue de Nematologie 10:409-444.
H. Ferris
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