• Order Rhabditida
  • Sub-order Rhabditina
  • Superfamily Strongyloidea
  • Family Strongylidae

    Subfamily Strongylinae Subfamily Cyathostominae
    • Bidentostomum
    • Choniangimum
    • Codiostomum
    • Craterostomum
    • Decrusta
    • Equinurbia
    • Oesophagodontus
    • Strongylus
    • Triodontophorus

    ^^ Parastrongylus in use in Angostrongylidae; name changed to Paradoxostrongylus

    Classification per Beveridge, I., Spratt, D.M.  and Durette-Desset, M-C. 2014. Order Strongylida (Railliet and Henry, 1913). In Schmidt-Raesa, A. (ed). Handbook of Zoology: Gastroctricha, Cycloneurelia and Gnathifera. Vol 2. Nematoda. De Gruyter, Berlin

    Many genera and species of the Cyathostominae synonymized by Lichtenfels, J.R., Karchenko, V.A., Krecek, R.C., Gibbons, L.M. 1998. An annotated checklist by genus and species of 93 species level names for 51 recognized species of small strongyles (Nematoda: Strongyloidea: Cyathostominea) of horses, asses and zebras of the world. Veterinary Parasitology 79:65-79.

    Ozdikmen, H. 2010. Substitute names for some Nematoda. Munis Entomology and Zoology 5:780-784.

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