Superfamily Dracunculoidea

Revised 02/12/25

       Dracunculoidea Stles, 1907
Key to the Families of Dracunculaidea (from Moravec et al., 1998).

1.a. Buccal capsule present, spicules absent.....................................................................................2

   b. Buccal capsule absent or reduced, spicules present of absent.....................................................3

2. a. Body fusifome, male tail without caudal alae; no sclertised copulatory plate in male vulva posterior

        parasites of swimbladder of eels...............................................................................................Anguillicolidae
    b. Body filiform, mail tail with bursa, copulatory plate present or absent; parsites of

       peritoneal cavity of freshwater fish............................................................................................Skrjabillanidae

3. a. Vulva anterior or pre-equatorial; monodelphic; peribuccal ring absent; anus functional.................4

   b. Vulva equatorial or postequatorial; atrophied in mature females; usually 2 ovaries ........................6

   c. Esophagus with muscular and glandular parts; vulva anterior, usually near esophagus; opisthodelphic,

       uterus posterior to vulva; spicules, copulatory plaate and caudal ale present or absent....................5

5. a. Males with spicules and caudal alae...........................................................................................Guyanemidae

   b. Males withoust spicules or caudal alae........................................................................................Daniconematidae

6. a. Glandular part of esophagus short or absent male tail usually rounded; peribuccal ring absent;

       parasites of fish............................................................................................................................Philometridae

7. a. Peribuccll ring absent; moderate sexual dimorphism; funtional annus; parasites of

       reptiles: crocdilians and chelonians................................................................................................Micropleuridae

   b. Peribuccal ring ususally present; marke sexual dimorphism; anus atrophied in adults;

       parasites of reptiles, birds and mammals .......................................................................................Dracunculidae


Moravec, F., Molinar, K. and Szekely, C. 1998. Lucionema balatonense gen. et sp. n. , a new nematode of a new family Lucionematidae fam.n. (Dracunculoidea) from the swim bladder of the European pikeperch, Stizostedion lucioperca (Pisces). Folia Parasitologica 45:57-61

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