Nematology 100 Field Trip                      

 Rev 01/01/20

Purpose:  Field symptoms, field extraction and observation, discussion of practical detection, assessment and management issues:

  • Xiphinema index /grapevine fanleaf virus - grape

  • Pratylenchus vulnus - walnuts

  • Tylenchorhynchus spp., Pratylenchus thornei, Xiphinema americanum - alfalfa

  • Xiphinema americanum/peach yellow-bud mosaic virus -peach

  • Work in pairs.

    Each group takes two samples from stratified area or group of plants.  Cores from a stratum are bulked, mixed and a subsample taken for extraction of nematodes.

    We will be visiting several sites.  Please clean equipment between sites.


    Where a coarse screen is used in the extraction, is there any correlation with the amount of root detected in the sample and the presence of nematodes?

    Purpose:  To demonstrate the tools available for sampling to detect and quantify nematode populations.  To test the reliability and precision of sampling procedures.

    1.   Demonstration of sampling tools and their use (at the alfalfa site).

    2.   Effect of extraction method on determination of species presence/abundance.   

    3.   Reliability of population estimates.

         4.   Sampling nematodes associated with plant tissue.

        5. NEMAPLEX Exercise

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