Laboratory Exercise 18
Rev. 01/01/2020
Purpose: Economics of the nematode management decision process.
Note: Please bring laptop computers for Laboratory 19 on 12/5/12.
1. Powerpoint presentation and slides: Physical and cultural management of plant-parasitic nematodes.
2. Analyze soil suppressiveness experiment set up in Lab 17:
3. Nematodes of grapevines: PowerPoint presentation as an example for management of a nematode community.
The Soil Food Web: Powerpoint presentation on food web structure, function and management.
4. Discussion of management decisions and information delivery.
e. Seasonal multiplication rates - literature and experimentation, extrapolate.
f. Decline rates - winter and non-host - literature and experiments.
g. Annual multiplication rates.
h. Control costs:
crop rotation, alternate crops - what is predominant species (key pest)?
resistant varieties - what is the predominant species (key pest)?
i. Steady-state population convergence.
j. Initial population assessment - reliability, variability, alternatives.
k. Economic analysis:
consider production costs
potential crop value
grower perception and management objective
steady-state population.
l. Development of user-friendly software
expert systems protocols.
Determine the effects of changes in management costs, crop values and nematode virulence.
Determine the impact of crop values and nematode survival rate under nonhost conditions.
Report to class.
5. PowerPoint presentations:
6. Videotapes:
7. Homework Assignments:
Review Laboratory 19 assignment and start planning your strategy.
Main Menu:
and Decision Support
Select...Nematode Management
Review: Principles of Nematode Management.
Tactics: (Various tactics listed)
Emerging Research Developments: (Various topics)
Return to Main Menu
Review current research on Nematode Management.
8. Use Nemabase2010 to review susceptibility and/or resistance of plants to different nematode species.